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Prayer Team

Join our active Prayer Team in praying for the needs of those around them. The team meets on Sunday morning @ 9am in the prayer room behind the sanctuary, and online & phone conference call on Tuesday & Friday nights.


The littlest ones can play safely supervised by trained nursery workers while you enjoy the message in the sanctuary.

Kid's Clubhouse

The Kid's Clubhouse is for smaller kids ages 3-4. This room catches the attention & imagination of these wonderful little children. This is not just a babysitting daycare room. We teach this age group real bible lessons in a way they can easily understand.

Kids Laboratory

This is no ordinary classroom, this is a Bible-teaching Kids Lab where the older kids (ages 6-12) can learn about God & the Bible in extremely fun creative lessons.

"The Move" Youth Group

Hello teens! Come check out The Move Youth Group at The Purpose Life Church. This is a very active group of teenagers with plenty to do and lots of people your age who are ready to get to know you! Get more info!


Praise. Singing. Music. Some of the simple words that usually describe modern church worship. Music can help people come closer to God. Singing praise to God can lift your spirit and bring your life into focus. We try to provide a truly worshipful atmosphere for the purpose of glorifying our God & Creator and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Servolution Ministries

Kindness. Love in action. Servolution is a way of thinking, of turning ideas into action that will change your view of the world and help you learn to see the needs of those around you. We are actively pursuing the lost, the forgotten, and the poor to show them a God who is passionately in love with them. We stand ready with one heart, saying, "I will serve others and show them the hope they can have in Jesus."  

Get involved

Homeless Outreach

Feeding, clothing, caring for & loving the homeless in our area. Being the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need.

Donations accepted year round. Clothing (used & new), toiletries, baby items  blankets, sleeping bags & all cold weather items.

Prayer Wall (Coming Soon)

To help our community learn about the power of faith & prayer, we are building a dedicated Prayer Wall on the mountain that will be open to all at any time of day or night. Write your prayers and leave them in the wall. People will be praying for each and every request that is left in the wall. God still answers prayer.

Schedule of Events

Service Times - Sundays @ 10:30AM

Friday-Saturday, Sept 13-14

24hr Praise & Worship  - 8pm-8pm

EVERYONE is invited. Come & go as you like or stay the entire 24 hours.


This is a FREE event.







Tuesday Nights - Online Prayer Webinar

Friday Night Fire - Intercessory Prayer

Sunday @ 9am - Intercessory Prayer



Our Ministries

Connect Groups

The best way to grow in your faith is to share your life with others who are on the same journey as you.

Connect with others in your home & theirs. Share your time, your experience, learn from each other & grow together.

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